Tuesday, January 13

Day 13: Soup, Heat Lamps and Life Lessons

I had no idea how addicted I am to restaurant food. Whenever I get sick, like today, I crave McAlister's chicken tortilla soup. It's loaded with chunks of chicken and crispy tortilla strips in a thick, spicy cheesy sauce. Yum! It's especially good for clearing the sinuses. But I'm committed to this challenge and I refuse to spend $4.00 for a cup of soup just because I WANT IT, and I WANT IT NOW! (Okay, I feel better...)

The other day our family decided that, as an extra challenge, we should each choose a favorite restaurant food and try to re-create it at home. We've already been able to do that with a few salads and soups. After all, Chinese stir fry is easy, the kids can even make their favorite fast food fare - chicken nuggets and fries, and homemade pizza is the bomb. So, what's the draw? Why do we flock to over-crowded, over-priced, microwave-then-heat-lamp-the-food restaurants? Pretty pathetic when I let myself think about it. I'm hoping this month will be the key to convincing myself, and my kids, that there is nothing "out there" that I can't find in here. Come to think of it, there might just be a larger life lesson buried in there too.

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