Thursday, January 15

Day 15: The Wanderer

No temptation to eat out today, but I needed a couple of essentials: stamps (to mail my father-in-law's already late birthday card) and toilet paper. (No one's going to argue with that, are you?) One of the benefits of this challenge is that I'm learning more about myself and my habits, like I did today.

After school, Mackenzie and I stopped in to our neighborhood Walgreen's to pick up the previously mentioned must-have's. The employees are friendly, the store is cozy and the sales are unbeatable. TP was on an end cap, and on sale, right inside the door. Stamps are behind the checkout counter so everything I needed was within five steps of the door. That is the moment I learned that I am a wanderer.

I grabbed the toilet paper and just kept on truckin'. Toward what I don't know. Just "looking", "browsing", "checking out this week's sale items", blah, blah, blah. See how dangerous that can be? I have become so lax that it's automatic for me to get what I need, then continue to shop. Not a good idea, and not healthy for the family finances. I also learned that it really annoys my kids. (That might be the only good reason for continuing to do it. JK)

So, I'm going to implement a new habit, and a new slogan: GIGO. Pronounce it however you want, but implement it ruthlessly: Get In, Get Out. The biggest GIGO perk: I'll not only be saving money, I'll be saving time, a precious resource that none of us can afford to waste.

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