Saturday, January 17

Day 17: Pushing the Envelope

I usually treat myself to Chinese take-out when my family's out of town, so this weekend is a test for me too. I ate breakfast at home, then went to the health food store to pick up some lemons and tea. I semi-cheated and bought a Thai microwave dinner for lunch instead of Chinese. It's not unlike me to push the envelope, but technically I didn't eat out. (There I go, rationalizing again.)

Steve and the kids ate breakfast at his brother's and lunch at his mom's. For dinner, the whole family congregated at Steve's brother's for our niece, Rachel's, 27th birthday party, complete with party food: sandwiches, veggies, chips and cake. My son doesn't like sandwiches, so Steve caved and bought Micah a Happy Meal from McDonald's. Not bad though. Two days down, one to go. Grand total spent on eating out: $3.50.

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