Tuesday, January 6

Day 6: Snacks, Snacks Everywhere

I took the kids to see our neighbor in the nursing home right after school which had "disaster" written all over it. They're usually hungry and grouchy, understandably, at that time of day. So I knew we would all be tempted to swing through our favorite ice cream place, conveniently located just down the street from the nursing home, and devour four 79 cent cones. You'll be happy to know that I avoided disaster by planning ahead. Snacks to the rescue! Before I left the house to pick them up, I grabbed a water bottle, grapes, string cheese and a box of graham crackers. Victory! We did stop by the grocery store on the way home to get some snacks for their lunches. Probably not the healthiest options in the world, but more nutritious and less expensive than school lunch.

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