Wednesday, January 7

Day 7: Define "Need"

It's amazing to me what we, in this culture, and I, in particular, consider "essentials". After all, we made a pact - that we would only buy essentials for one month, just 31 short days. Yet, I found myself at the Batteries Plus counter today paying for a new cell phone battery. Granted, my cell phone is my only number now that we've done away with the home phone, and the schools might need to contact me, and the cell phone battery has been freaking out for a couple of months now. (See how easy rationalization is? I'm the master.)

Standing at that counter, my heart sank when I considered that 90% of the world can't get TRUE essentials, including food, clean water, and life-saving medication, as easily as I can get a life-draining cell phone battery. I felt wonderfully blessed and woefully burdened all at once.

We officially added the first item to our "30 Day List": a new American flag. We took our Christmas flag down, and it's time to fly Old Glory again. But, she's looking a little ragged. Approximate cost: $20. Truly a small price to pay to display our love for this country and to honor the people who have died protecting our freedom.

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