Sunday, January 18

Day 18: Down, But Not Out

We crashed and burned today. I did manage to resist the temptation to grab a salad from one of my favorite restaurants after church and ate leftover chili instead. But Steve got stuck in the traveling trap and ate out - twice. The family planned to meet for lunch at a Mexican restaurant to celebrate his sister's birthday. But her son got sick, and they had to run Plan B - lunch at the lone restaurant in the small town where his mom lives. They don't offer kids' meals and the only Sunday option is the buffet. So thirty dollars and a couple of hours later, my family headed for home. Steve packed leftovers from lunch and last night's party for the trip, but there wasn't enough for everyone, so the three kids each ordered two items off the Wendy's dollar menu. Soda's a real killer, in more ways than one, so we rarely ever order it. The kids don't even ask anymore.

Grand total spent on eating out today: $36. It's a little disappointing that we couldn't make it work all month, but to put it in perspective: We used to spend about $35 every week after church, so we're still almost $100 ahead. Tomorrow's a new day, and the month isn't over yet.

I've eaten up all the leftovers this weekend, so I need to hit the grocery store or our eating out grand total is going to climb.

1 comment:

Latte said...

Yeah I am doing the grocery cart challenge on my blog to keep my grocery budget low...this week...not so good. But I am happy to say last week was $52.00. Sorry if you read my blog and already knew that. But you have so much fun over here sharing I thought's I would join you. Keep up the good work, it helps me SO much to stay motivated just reading your blogs! Oh it also helps when Thor thinks I am silly for sharing that I come back with "well Lisa is blogging about her financial obligations" Helps him see it's beneficial to us all to share this stuff.