Monday, January 19

Day 19: Give Like You Mean It

Today I discovered another benefit of not eating out and buying only essentials: It took me about half the time it usually does to reconcile my bank account, and we had only forgotten to write down one $3 transaction. Woo hoo! I could get used to that.

Another bonus: I can already see some progress toward our goal of giving more. We commit to a minimum amount of giving each month, but we want the freedom to give on the spur of the moment, as needs arise, not just to the ministries we partner with. Without getting into the details, an opportunity to invest in a teenager's life presented itself yesterday. If we had eaten out after church the past two Sundays, we wouldn't have been able to meet this particular need. But, for about the cost of two meals out, we can give a teenager the chance to attend a life-changing weekend event. Now that's a check I felt good about writing.

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