Tuesday, January 20

Day 20: Give and Be Blessed

I'm sipping a pumpkin spice, white mocha steamer while I blog. Don't panic; I used the Starbucks gift card I got for Christmas. I didn't spend a dime. (Gotcha!)

Purely by coincidence, I'm sure, I turned on the radio this morning to hear Dr. David Jeremiah speaking about how God blesses those who honor Him with their money. This is not the "prosperity gospel"; far from it. It's God's promise throughout Scripture to bless those who give to His work. Two examples: "A generous man will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor." (Prov 22:9, NIV) "He who gives to the poor will lack nothing, but he who closes his eyes to them receives many curses." (Prov 28:27, NIV) In describing a virtuous woman, God says in Proverbs 31:20, "She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy." Since I don't believe in coincidences and I do believe God's promises, I took that as a charge and drove to Wal Mart.

Our local Pregnancy Care Center is trying to collect one TON (that's right, 2,000 pounds) of diapers and wipes before January 31st, so my first stop was the infant aisle for three packages of diapers and three boxes of wipes. Then, I hit the grocery aisles to stock up on kid-friendly foods, like granola bars, packages of peanuts, pop-top canned chicken and pasta for a local elementary school who started a "Soul Food" program. They provide backpacks full of convenient, nutritional food every Friday to kids who might need additional food over the weekend. I didn't spend a lot, but it was one of the most heartwarming Wal Mart trips I've ever taken. For a grand total of $50.56, I was able to give hope and encouragement to a scared, young mom. God will also use that money to provide for that mother's newborn child and fill tiny tummies elsewhere in the city. What a perfect example of how a lot of people each doing a little can demonstrate God's love for ALL people, including single moms, unborn (and newborn) babies and hungry children.

I challenge each of you to start looking today for ways to give-not just money but also your time and energy. Show God's love and invest in other people's lives in meaningful ways. When you do, you don't have to worry about your needs being met. The maker and owner of ALL promises that He will provide for you and, in the process, you'll be blessed beyond measure. I know I was.

1 comment:

Latte said...

Awww, your such a nice lady! I agree volunteering is a great thing. We tend to volunteer our time because it #1 puts us in the place of the person we are helping, and #2 it's super rewarding to see your results.