Monday, January 5

Day 5: Does Coffee Always Smell That Good?

I visited my 98-year-old neighbor in the hospital today, and I swear the coffee cart in the lobby was screaming my name. I don't even drink coffee, but it smelled so good I almost succumbed to the $4.00 a cup scam. It was a close call, but I just picked up the pace and speed walked out the lobby, puffing my cheeks with held breath and trying not to look too obvious.

Sad to say we've already broken the no eating out rule. Steve was the offender, but in his defense, he was planning on coming home for lunch. But he found out this morning a friend of his is in the hospital, so he decimated the budget by squandering $2.12 in the Wendy's drive thru. I guess he can get a pass since he was actively involved in visiting the sick.

I really want to buy some new body lotion for my lizard skin. We're using up the half empty bottles we've had since last winter, and now I remember why this particular bottle never got used. It's terrible! But, I'm choosing dry, scaly legs until every drop of that horrible stuff is gone. It's the principle of the thing.

We'll be watching the Fiesta Bowl (and the 4,000 KFC, Subway, Hardee's, Pizza Hut and McDonald's commercials) tonight. I'm sure they won't affect us at all. Nerves of steel.

1 comment:

Latte said...

aaahhh, the smell of coffee...I think in heaven, it will smell like just has to!
